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Welcome to the
Heriot-Watt University Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre
HW-IMRC is one of 16 formal Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres (IMRCs) jointly funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and industry.
  Launched in 2001 the purpose of the IMRCs is to provide a focus for research excellence in areas underpinning manufacturing, facilitating active collaboration with UK businesses with effective knowledge transfer and exploitation mechanisms, making a vital collective contribution to the future of the UK economy and society.

HW-IMRC was created in 2003 in the second wave of IMRCs initiated by EPSRC, with Phase I funding for 5-years. Following a successful International Review in 2006, a second 5-year Programme was launched in April 2008 with EPSRC funding of £7.4M. Our main research focus is key areas of applied science and science-based engineering that underpin high value manufacturing. The principal Themes of our research are in Digital Tools, Photonics-based Manufacturing and in Microsystems for Manufacture.

The HW-IMRC is now ‘embedded’ within a new and larger organisational structure - known as the James Watt Institute for High Value Manufacturing.

"The Heriot-Watt IMRC is playing an important role in delivering EPSRC Manufacturing Strategy through creating, delivering and disseminating innovative manufacturing research in Photonics, Microsystems and Digital Tools to address major long-term manufacturing challenges in these areas".
Dr Katie Blaney, EPSRC Portfolio Manager - 21st July 2010.
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